Dedicated to Barney 

He died in my hands. He was very old for a Tymneh African Grey. He was captured from Africa and I saw him in a pet store. I was aghast when they told me he was dying, that his sibling died, and his history. He was nine months old. I let the store know; shame on them. I took him because he needed me. I tamed him to be the sweetest love. He would talk, and sit on my left shoulder. He would give a kiss if asked. He saw a lot; I had him when I had my horse, Pharoah. He saw the many dogs I had, and he had love. We knew each other and talked every day! He was very old for this wild-caught bird; he lived a long life, and died in my hands. Barney would call Pharoah every time I would open my door, even after Pharoah passed.

He would often call out the names of all my past pets. We shared a lot of our life together. This is from my heart after losing my beloved Barney of my decades. Barney was a wonderful companion; he was Grand!



Dedicated to Yodels 


Yodels was a three month old beagle in a local shelter. I saw her picture in the paper.  Her time was up so I decided to get her.  She had no socialization and was energy plus energy!!!  I never thought of her as a Service Dog.  When doing Obedience training with Yodels I discovered a willingness to learn.  Still she showed a lot of energy.  She became a magnificent Service Dog.  She was excellent on planes, airports,  trains and depots.  She was even good on boats (yacht, canoe, ferry, fishing).  She was very adaptable and proved to go above and beyond any training I had given her at times.  She watched me, she watched people, she was sweet and intelligently focused.  I feel she is watching over me now.       I had excellent results with shelter and rescue dogs in Obedience training.  

      Paws reaching out to your heart, to heal you.  It is a beautiful example of Good Karma at work!!!!



Fred  (beagle)      Buddy (Buddy was a beagle lab mix.)

Buddy was tied to a chain  for at least five years.   I rescued him and he was in my house, which scared him at first. Life on the chain.
Buddy loved all the dogs, Fred was a good pal! They all were. With a song in your heart Buddy, you knew at last what love was.'
And sleeping on the bed!
Fred came to me from Tennessee, as one of the most abused dogs I had seen. He was kicked in the head when he did not hunt correctly, and tied out near the coyotes.  He was shot with bullets and pellets.   Someone found him and brought him to the vet, than a rescue,  than he came to me.  He had PTSD from this experience.  He would sleep and wake up with a screaming sound.
His eyes would glaze over and I would pick him up and rock him in my arm’s like a baby to bring him out of it.   He had separation anxiety.  He chewed through a crate, he tried to chew through my wood door.   Poor boy.  It took a lot of love and patience with this fellow and happy tails at last.   He actually was used as a Service Dog to help me train and help me as it turned out at one point.    Fred came to me at age six and and died at  age 16.
He was pals with Yodels and Buddy.   All rescue dogs.   Finally towards the end Fred had normal dog dreams where his tail would wag when sleeping. 

They were both rescue dogs, abused.  They had a hard start in life, they were loved well by me and became beautiful steady happy dogs, who had a good life.
All of my fur baby's were loved well and the love was returned ten fold.




 was a great Lab.  He wanted to protect me.   Yeller, had a very close bond with my horse Pharaoh.  It was amazing how this dog and horse connected.  When not with me, Yeller would be out with my horse they connected even when I was not present.




Pharaoh and Chille were inseparable

Pharaoh is the Chestnut horse. I had him all thirty three years of his life.  From Cal. Or. to Wi.  His last stable mate was Chile laying next to him.




I got him when he was nine months old.  He was off of quarter horse racing championship.  What a hand full.  He would run so fast that tears would fly from my eyes. I was laughing all the time! I broke him and trained him to jump, ride in the rugged mountains and fields. Loved to ride him with out a saddle.  He was 30 years old when this was taken and still  a fine figure of a horse.   Love the animals and they will love you back.
He was a great horse.