I do not, nor have I ever, used volunteers in my training of service dogs.
All service dogs are trained by me, Jill Forster.
My training is one dog, one owner at a time. This allows me to give all my attention to you and your dog. I train these dogs in approximately two to three days. This includes field work and tasks. I designed this program and I am capable of training the dogs in this timeframe with the client, one-on-one.
I do not train puppies for service dogs; for obedience, yes. As far as service dogs, call me when your dog is nearer a year old or older.
Interested in having a dog trained? Please leave me your name, phone number, and address.
I specialize in disabilities including anxiety, PTSD, and psychiatric/mobility service dogs.
It is important that your trainer understand your disability to aid in the training of your service dog.
I often work with rescued dogs and shelter dogs. These dogs tend to be very loyal and train well. My favorite breed is the beagle. Beagles are merry little dogs. They get along well with children and other animals, are not aggressive, and ride well in a car. Beagles learn fast, are loyal, do not look intimidating and they work well for a person with a disability.
Training has been my life. As a professional dance Instructor, professional figure skating instructor, horsemanship training and training dogs, training has been a lifelong learning experience. For me, the happy moment is when we save a dog’s life and watch that dog become a significant partner to a person in need. It is my mission to help you gain freedom and confidence with a well trained Service Dog. I only take one dog at a time, giving your dog my complete focus.
I am able to help you get the banners, information, and all needs regarding service dogs. You will leave prepared for a new journey with a new helpmate, and new best friend.
It is my goal to customize a dog for each individual. This dog will be able to handle distractions and complete tasks that will help you with your disability.
This dog will be able to handle
distractions and complete task that will
help you with your disability.
This is a beautiful 100 acre Wild Life Sanctuary.
It is a wonderful place for those in need of quiet, restful, healthy solitude. Let us know if we can help you. Happy Tails!
If you need a service dog and are serious about having it trained, please send your name and phone number to jillforster@brucetel.net or call 715-868-2225.